Wednesday, May 1, 2013


So how are all the competitor's for  ECTD 2.0 doing? We are now into week 3! I have read and heard numerous complaints ,  alot moaning and groaning over changes we have  had to make..... Myself included!! So how do we continue to stay on track and cut out the moaning and groaning? 

When i am craving another cup of coffee, a beer, or chicken cutlet Parmesan? I think of WHY did i want to change? So stop and think for a moment what motivated you to do the ECTD challenge? What makes you want to change?  Is your reason ....  maybe you want to  look awesome naked, fit back into your super hero outfit, maybe claim the ECTD 2.0 title( you know you want my tiara and ectd sash),  or is it to audition for Magic Mike 2?  Write down your reason on a post it note attach it to your mirror, your fridge, and your wallet so you will constantly remind yourself why your suffering to change!

So you want to change, I applaud your efforts !  What are going to do with the changes you have made? I don't know about you but if i am giving up my beloved caffeine fix aka coffee then i want something to show for it! I have my mind set on a Goal!  What steps will you make to achieve that goal? Do you want to be a superhero, or try out with the flying trapeze act at the circus after getting your first muscle up or is it going on a date with Eva Longoria (team flo-ringer might be able to help you out with that one)?  First visualize yourself achieving your goal,  write it down,  break your goal down into reachable steps you need to achieve to accomplish your goal,  finally keep working at your goal til you attain it! 

The Justice League called....said the original Wonder Woman is retiring. I need to be able to fit in my new superhero uniform!


  1. Halloween is calling and I had better see you in this.
    My goal is simple. I want your crown!! LOL..kidding...sorta.

    After winning LuRong then falling off the wagon I did not like the way I felt and I just want to feel better again. I do not care if I am a super hero or if I will ever look good in a bikini. I want to be strong, and with that strong find a confidence I have yet to be able to obtain.

    1. LOLOLOLOL stacy!! My why's are simple..#1 to support my daughter as she attempts paleo for the first time #2 i just want to be leaner...My goal is a pull-up by the end of the year so if i am leaner it makes it easier to obtain my goal! so ectd 2.0 is one step in achieving my goal! Seriously the Justice League did call and they needed a new wonder woman so i need to fit into my new uniform...lolololol!!
