Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The end of the Lurong paleo challenge

LuRong Living Paleo ChallengeThe Lurong paleo challenge closed out on November 19th but final results weren't announced until November 28th


This paleo challenge was really hard for me in so many ways. Moving was incredibly hard on the first day of the challenge! then all the unpacking.. I still have stuff to unpack! I  now have a longer driving distance to work and a longer drive to pick up my kids from school which is draining. The lack of sleep in the beginning was very hard and i am still having trouble sleeping straight thru..i wake 4 hrs into my sleep then fall asleep for an hour wake up again.  It is just very hard to work the night shift!  With the increase of driving times, It was also tough to eat on the run ...being a busy mom. It meant i had to preplan meals, which didn't always go well. Then there was the hurricane which derailed alot of athletes in our region. Some because of destruction to their homes, box(gym) or both..some just because of lost electricity! I was very lucky on both counts and even pre-made food so that i would not have any excuse not to eat paleo during the hurricane. I also ended up getting my period twice in November and that's just Kryptonite for me..i am  much slower,  extremetly exhausted, and i can barely pick up a 15lb bar...yuk yuk yuk...the problems of a female athlete.

My favorite part of the challenge is the  bonds of the crossfit community. Every Sunday night all of us in the challenge would wait for the WOD of the week to be posted. Each new WOD posed new challenges.  At my box we would contact each other on facebook or see each other in class and discuss ..do we try and RX (advanced movements and weight requirements) the WOD?  or keep it scaled?, would we die or would we survive? we discussed diet challenges ? As the member with the most paleo challenges under her belt i would get alot of questions about why the scale didn't move, i would hear updates on Pr's, successes during wods..I also am an RN so i would get asked alot of health questions, I  also have asthma and would get questions about keeping it safe with asthma during WODS  (there alot of us crossfit athletes who WOD with asthma). Every day when i arrived at the box i would hear  how awesome i looked..how my body was changing! During workouts for the challenge i would hear tons of shouts and cheers of support and congrats on Personal Record (PR's) for weight movements. You just cant beat the Crossfit Community there is truly nothing like it! There is no drama, we compete against each other but truly support each other's efforts!


I had the privilege to be Jen's judge on her test out benchmark WODS for the challenge..during the initial testing Jen started wheezing during the 5 rounds of 20 kettlebell swings 20 burpees for time so it took her along time to finish the workout.  Jen dropped 15lbs in the 9 weeks and was able to drop 7 minutes off her initial time during the initial WOD with no wheezing!  Stacy and i are the same age..she initially didn't want to do the challenge. I somehow convinced her it would be fun ...lolololol! Well Stacy placed number one in our box..out of 7183 athletes across the USA she place 881..in women's master's divisions (women 45+) she placed 120 out of 628. I think what is so amazing is Stacy met each challenge WOD head on, she even surprised herself by RX a couple of WODS! I am so proud of her! The perk is she lost 15lbs in the 9 weeks and achieved her goal of wearing a size 8..she looks amazing!! AWESOME JOB STACY!! Jeremy is the top male challenge winner in our box. I remember when Jeremy first started and he would huff and puff on the warm up runs, now he blasts right past me with the other men the front of the pack! He has worked hard, shown up consistently, and his weights and crossfit skills have steadily increased! He also dropped 15lbs during the challenge but the best part is to see how confident and strong he has become! AWESOME JOB JEREMY!! Meg, placed 3rd in our box for the Lurong Challenge. Meg is the only female to Rx! Meg we call the "BEAST". My son describes Meg..."mom, she looks like a normal pretty girl on the outside, tiny in height and weight, but then she picks up a bar and she becomes "SHE- HULK". Ma you know she could probably toss a couple of guys across the gym she is that strong!" Meg works very hard and consistently at her weights, and crossfit skills and her hard work pays off!
Meg and became friends as we prepared to compete in festivus being the only two women to compete. She is someone i admire! YOU GO "SHE-HULK"...YOU DID AN AWESOME JOB! 

 I came in 4th in the box..i finished 1990 out of 7183 athletes and 241 out of 628 women's master's athletes. I didn't loose any weight (still 156lbs) but my body did change. I wore a size 8 pants when i started and now wear a size 4 pants.  I also for the first time EVER in my life i can wear SMALL scrub pants....yes yes i am doing the happy dance!! So here i go laying it all on the line for all of you....hugs!


Waist32 1/8 "32 1/8 "
Hips42 3/8 "41 1/4 "
Chest31 1/8 "33 "
Thigh24 3/8 "23 1/4 "
Arm12 3/4 "13 1/8 "
Total142 3/4 "142 3/4 "
Here are the side by side photos...the changes are small in my opinion but they are there...sooo 

LuRong Living Paleo Challenge