Friday, March 29, 2013

My Favorite Part of the week

If your my Facebook friend or follow me on Twitter  or Instagram , you know i now have all 3 of my children Crossfitting with me. This picture is after our first wod together , me in blue, my son mike, my daughter kaite and my daughter erin in yellow. My favorite part of the week is crossfitting with my kids! I LOVE IT!


When i started Crossfit 14 months ago i never thought my children would even think of trying Crossfit. I would hobble (from muscle soreness) to my door and they would help me up the stairs...and ask "why are you doing this mom?" If i tried to talk about Crossfit and what i did there i would get the eye rolling looks, they would tell me to "please stop talking about Crossfit, you talk about it like its your boyfriend or something" I changed along the way...i became happier, i looked better, ate healthier, had more energy...and my kids took notice.  I wanted to enter my first ever PortCrossfit Challenge "Eat Clean Train Dirty"...i asked my kids what do you think, they told me that i was doing great so far to keep going..take on the challenge! This is when Mike my 17 yr old son asked if he could do Crossfit also. Mike started in July 2012. Then i entered a beginner competition in August 2012 called Festivus at Crossfit 516..all 3 of my kids were there cheering me on in their  "we love our Crossfit momma" t-shirts, and that's when Erin said "i would like to try crossfit too". Kaite my 22yr old.... yeah..  well, she was the last man standing and finally joined in February of this year.


I worried as my son grew older how i would be able to relate to him, he is a boy, what do i know about being a boy? Crossfit gives me that chance to stay connected to him. We have something in common to talk about..the pain of the wod, the PR of a lift, funny things the coaches say. Crossfittting together has kept the door open for him to tell me whats on his mind.  In the fall Mike would work out in the gym after school with friends and show them what he did in crossfit. "Mom" he said laughing my friends think Crossfit is "too hardcore for them" I replied "so they think your badass"... "yup"  he said with a huge grin. I have seen my "boy" become more conscious about eating healthier foods, I have seen him grow more confident in himself, and now i see him becoming much stronger, developing more muscle...looking more grown up and manly. 


Erin is  18 yrs old, and an athlete so her transition into Crossfit was easier.  She is competitive by nature and always tries to out Crossfit me...i love that she sees me as her benchmark.  Erin also has started to change the way she eats by making healthier choices, and i have seen her gain greater confidence in her body and how she feels she looks.  Teenagers tend shut their parents out at times but after the WOD at Crossfit i find Erin just unloads all her emotions and  wants to talk to me.  Erin's catching, and hitting coach told her that in the short time she has been Crossfitting she has become much stronger, has more endurance and has greater speed... the Coach said "DON'T STOP CROSSFITTING....YOUR A MUCH BETTER ATHLETE" 


Kaite is my princess. She was not athletic in high school, doesn't like to sweat or lift anything heavy...she has been my biggest surprise. She had tried 1 beginner class in Nov of last year but that was as far as she got. Then she moved in with me full time, and she said she wanted to try Crossfit again. So this time i see Kaite planning each week when she is going to crossfit, cooking healthy meals, and i see her really giving an effort in crossfit class. I am so  PROUD and HAPPY for her, i feel like with my other 2 kids this will give kaite a chance to develop self confidence.   Last week i wish i could have taken a picture of her smile after she landed a lift called the Split Jerk like a pro! It was a smile of i did that all by myself.  I hope to see more smiles like that on Kaite's face! Kaite recently signed up for  PortCrossfit's Eat Clean Train Dirty 2.0 challenge. What she said to me is "mom i hear the voice of doubt in my head but then i remember you took a chance in last yrs challenge and you were the female winner and i realize i have nothing to lose and everything to gain" OH YES I AM DOING A HAPPY DANCE!!

Mike and i did Olympic lifting class and he nailed a huge Personal Record (PR) 125lb clean and jerk while all the guys and coaches cheered him on ...he did that lift  just last week and hit 105lbs. He told me in the car he saw me hit my PR at 90lbs last week  and knew he had to do better than his mom...lmao. Erin and i did the regular class today and as we were hanging on the pull up rig doing pull ups, then hit the floor to do push ups...i turned to her and said, "Erin, we couldn't have found a "nice " mother daughter activity, like quilting? whose idea was this?" she laughed "yours ma". Then Erin said" i missed crossfit sooo much ma, damn softball games!" Kaite unfortunately was home sick today but she said "i feel so left out every one's going to crossfit!" I truly am blessed that my healthy lifestyle has now become my children's too! MORE HAPPY DANCING!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

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